Search Results | How To Draw Comics
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  • Feedback And Critique Session

    One of the fastest ways you can improve your art is by getting feedback on it from a pro who can help you spot mistakes and give you the insights you need to help you make real progress.

  • Comic Art Demonstration

    Watch how drawing principles and advanced techniques are applied to true and tried comic art workflows to produce covers, pinups, sequences and concept designs.

  • Comic Art Workshop

    Workshops offer an intensive, in-depth learning experience where we'll delve deep into a specific comic art topic, applying what's learned as we put knowledge into practice.

  • Intermediate/Advanced Drawing Class

    In these specialized drawing classes you'll learn about topics such as Character Design, Background Illustration, Sequential Storytelling and advanced techniques for Inking and Coloring.

  • Drawing Gym

    As comic artists, we've got to keep our drawing skills strong! That's what Drawing Gym is all about. Consistently putting pencil to paper, getting that practice in, so that we can strengthen our abilities in character creation, backgrounds, and sequential storytelling.

  • Fundamentals Drawing Class

    Every great comic book illustration is build upon a sturdy foundation. That foundation is formed using the fundamentals drawing principles you'll learn about in this class each week. If you're a beginner, this is where your journey begins.

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