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Writer's pictureClayton Barton

What To Do When Your Creativity Goes Kaput

Marc Silvestri Drawing

Do you ever feel artistically flat... creatively bleh? Yeah, me too. Actually, every artist does from time to time.

Especially when wanting to draw, becomes having to draw.

Whether it's getting in those drawing studies for practice, doing commissions for clients, or working through the pages of a comic book with a deadline...

The pressure builds. The novelty fades. And eventually we find ourselves in a place where we feel forced to create.

Creating something takes energy. It takes patience too. And at the end of a long day at the drawing board you'll feel both mental, and physical exhaustion.

The more you push on like that, the more your tank will run dry... sometimes to the point of burn out and chronic procrastination.

So the question is, how do we make sure that tank stays full? What do we use for fuel, to keep us going?

You'll often hear people tell you to just take a break.

That's not enough. Yes, you probably need some distance from the work you're doing, but that doesn't mean doing nothing.

Kicking back into a purgatory of apathy toward your art will only feed a newfound habit of laziness which puts you at even more of a disadvantage.

So kill the social media binge, video games and TV for a moment...

Take some time to refuel with something that will reignite your passion and remind you of why you wanted to become an artist!

Pull those old art books off your shelf, filled with artwork by your favorite creators. Have a flip through, and remember that there was once a time when you fantasized about the amazing things you'd draw if only you possessed that level of skill.

Think back to the characters you imagined, for that kick-ass comic you planned out inside your head, but never found time to start.

What was it that used to get you obsessed with drawing? - and when was the last time you drew anything like it?

There was a simpler time. Before your art became work and those commissions started piling up.

Before life's responsibilities moved in and left you wondering how you ended up with such a lack of joy for the craft you fell in love with all those years ago.

Make the time... to draw what you want to draw.

Not for money. Not because you have to. But because you're excited to. Don't plan to sell it. Don't fret about it needing to be anything more than what it is.

And you'll feel that creative cup fill up again pretty quick.

So often we create for others but forget to create for ourselves. You've spent so long honing your skills. Be selfish with your art once in a while.

You've earned it.


Art By Marc Silvestri and Richard Friend

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The best thing I have found is to watch your favorite artists and the tutorials they have. Going for a walk. Playing with our dog is very relaxing for me.


I was taught in Le Design School to scribble, do mileage, or just doodle till creativity hits you.

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